use crate::commands::env_err; use crate::structures::{Bookmark, Keyspace}; use paris::*; use serde_json::json; use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; use url::Url; fn open_database(json: bool, path: Option, keyspace: Keyspace) -> Option { let db: sled::Db; let database_path = match path { Some(path) => path, None => { let key = "HOME"; match env::var(key) { Ok(val) => { let mut tmp_path = PathBuf::new(); tmp_path.push(val); tmp_path.push(".local/share/tinymark"); tmp_path.push("database"); tmp_path } Err(e) => { env_err(json, e); std::process::exit(exitcode::DATAERR); } } } }; match sled::open(database_path) { Ok(database) => db = database, Err(error) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": error.to_string(), }) ); } else { error!("error in opening database: {}", error); } return None; } }; let keyspace_str = match keyspace { Keyspace::Bookmarks => "bookmarks", Keyspace::Containers => "containers", }; let database: Option = match db.open_tree(keyspace_str) { Ok(nya) => Some(nya), Err(e) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": e.to_string(), }) ); } else { error!("error in opening Tree: {}", e); } None } }; return database; } pub fn insert_multiple( entries: &Vec, json: bool, path: Option, keyspace: Keyspace, ) { let db = match open_database(json, path, keyspace) { Some(database) => database, None => std::process::exit(exitcode::NOINPUT), }; let mut batch = sled::Batch::default(); for i in entries { let bytes; match bincode::serialize(&i) { Ok(result) => bytes = result, Err(error) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": error.to_string(), }) ); } else { error!("failed serializing entry: {}", error); } std::process::exit(exitcode::DATAERR); } } batch.insert(, bytes); } match db.apply_batch(batch) { Ok(_) => { if !json { info!("succesfully applied batch insert"); } } Err(e) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": e.to_string(), }) ); } else { warn!("error in applying batch insert: {}", e); } } } } pub fn insert_entry(json: bool, path: Option, keyspace: Keyspace, _entry: &Bookmark) { let entry = _entry; let db = match open_database(json, path, keyspace) { Some(database) => database, None => std::process::exit(exitcode::NOINPUT), }; let bytes; match bincode::serialize(&entry) { Ok(result) => bytes = result, Err(error) => { if json { println!("{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": error.to_string(), }) ); } else { error!("failed serializing entry: {}", error); } std::process::exit(exitcode::DATAERR); } } let name = &; match db.insert(&name, bytes) { Ok(_) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "success", "reason": "inserted entry", }) ); } else { info!("succesfully inserted entry {}", name); } } Err(error) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": error.to_string(), }) ); } else { error!("failed to insert entry {}!\n {}", name, error); } std::process::exit(exitcode::IOERR); } } db.flush().unwrap(); } pub fn remove_entry(link: &Url, json: bool, path: Option, keyspace: Keyspace) { let db = match open_database(json, path, keyspace) { Some(database) => database, None => std::process::exit(exitcode::NOINPUT), }; match db.remove(link.to_string()) { Ok(_) => info!("succesfully removed entry {}", link), Err(error) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": error.to_string(), }) ); } else { error!("failed to remove entry {}!\n {}", link, error); } std::process::exit(exitcode::IOERR); } } db.flush().unwrap(); } pub fn get_all(json: bool, path: Option, keyspace: Keyspace) -> Option> { let db = match open_database(json, path, keyspace) { Some(database) => database, None => return None, }; let first_key = match db.first() { Ok(pair) => match pair { Some(key) => key.0, None => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "error", "reason": "could not get first key", }) ); } else { error!("error in getting first key"); } std::process::exit(exitcode::IOERR); } }, Err(error) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": error.to_string(), }) ); } else { error!("failed to get first key: {}", error); } return None; } }; let mut bookmarks_vector: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut iter = db.range(first_key..); loop { match { Some(x) => { let read_entry; match bincode::deserialize(&x.unwrap().1) { Ok(result) => read_entry = result, Err(error) => { if json { println!( "{}", json!({ "status": "fail", "reason": error.to_string(), }) ); } else { error!("failed deserializing entry: {}", error); } return None; } } bookmarks_vector.push(read_entry); } None => break, } } return Some(bookmarks_vector); } /* not working for some reason pub fn update_entry(entry: &Bookmark) { let db = open_database(); let bytes = match bincode::serialize(&entry) { Ok(bytes) => bytes, Err(error) => panic!("failed to serialize entry: {}", error), }; let old_entry: Bookmark = get_entry(&; let old_bytes = match bincode::serialize(&old_entry) { Ok(bytes) => bytes, Err(error) => panic!("failed to serialize entry: {}", error), }; match db.compare_and_swap(, Some(&old_bytes), Some(&bytes)) { Ok(_) => info!("succesfully swapped entry {}",, Err(error) => warn!("failed to swap entry {}!\n {}",, error), } db.flush(); } pub fn get_entry(id: &str) -> Option { let db = open_database(); let db_entry = match db.get(id) { Ok(entry) => entry, Err(error) => panic!("failed to get old entry: {}", error), }; if let Some(entry) = db_entry { let read_entry = match bincode::deserialize(&entry) { Ok(entry) => entry, Err(error) => panic!("failed to deserialize entry: {}", error), }; return Some(read_entry); } else { warn!("failed to find entry"); return None; }; } */