# Keyboard ## Keys - [x] different switches per key - https://kbdfans.com/collections/switches-tester/products/copy-of-aliaz-zealios-switch-tester - macro keys - https://github.com/n0bs/TheKeebrary.pretty ## Case - [x] at an angle -[x] ]row of status LEDs - screen at an angle? (hopefully gas plasma :3) - https://lib.rs/crates/embedded-graphics - https://lib.rs/crates/embedded-picofont - slinky wire (USB C?) edit: i dont have USB C on my desktop :c - PS/2 ? - usb hub ## Purchase - switches - keycaps - microcontroller - custom PCB - laser-cut mounting plate (https://www.ponoko.com/laser-cutting) - 3D print case - LEDs - USB wire - Rubber feet - /r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/4l0p41/guide_detailed_guide_to_making_a_custom_keyboard/ - https://imgur.com/a/qcgdF ## Firmware - https://kevinlynagh.com/rust-zig/ - https://git.julia.network/julia/raa - https://rtic.rs/1.0/book/en/ - https://interrupt.memfault.com/blog/ - http://www.ganssle.com/