[scripts.archive] alias = 'archive' command = 'ouch' description = 'Easy compression tool' tags = [ 'tools', 'files', ] [scripts.backup] alias = 'backup' command = ''' cd ~/ echo "Creating Firefox Backup..." tar -czvf firefox-backup.tar.gz .mozilla rsync -rauz --progress firefox-backup.tar.gz meow:/mnt/Storage/backups/ echo "Creating Thunderbird Backup..." tar -czvf thunderbird-backup.tar.gz .thunderbird rsync -rauz --progress thunderbird-backup.tar.gz meow:/mnt/Storage/backups/ echo "Creating KeePass Backup..." rsync -rauz --progress ~/KeePass/Passwords.kdbx meow:/mnt/Storage/backups/keepass/ echo "Creating mood Backup..." rsync -rauz --progress ~/.local/share/mood-history meow:/mnt/Storage/backups/mood/ echo "Creating Books Backup..." rsync -rauz --progress ~/Books/* meow:/mnt/Storage/backups/Books/ ''' description = 'Run backups' tags = [ 'scripts', 'files', ] [scripts.calc] alias = 'calc' command = 'kalker' description = 'Interactive terminal calculator' tags = [ 'tools', 'programs', ] [scripts.cleanse] alias = 'cleanse' command = 'lethe wipe --scheme=zero --blocksize=1m --verify=no $DRIVE_TO_WIPE' description = 'Wipe a drive' tags = [ 'tools', 'system', ] [scripts.dns-test] alias = 'dns-test' command = 'cd ~/dot-files && ./dnsleaktest.sh' description = 'Check if DNS is leaking' tags = [ 'scripts', 'system', ] [scripts.dtool] alias = 'dtool' command = 'dtool help' description = 'Various tools' tags = ['tools'] [scripts.fetch] alias = 'fetch' command = 'macchina -t Meow' description = 'macchina fetch' tags = ['programs'] [scripts.files] alias = 'files' command = 'xplr' description = 'Terminal file explorer' tags = ['programs'] [scripts.find] alias = 'find' command = 'fd $SEARCH' description = 'Search files & directories' tags = [ 'tools', 'files', ] [scripts.find-process] alias = 'find-process' command = 'procs $ITEM' description = 'Search running processes' tags = ['tools'] [scripts.getip] alias = 'getip' command = 'curl https://ipinfo.io' tags = [ 'scripts', 'net', ] [scripts.gpg-tui] alias = 'gpg-tui' command = 'gpg-tui' description = 'TUI GPG interface' tags = ['tools'] [scripts.hash] alias = 'hash' command = 'b3sum' description = 'blake3 hash tool' tags = ['tools'] [scripts.kondo] alias = 'kondo' command = 'kondo' description = 'Cleanup build directories' tags = [ 'tools', 'files', ] [scripts.macswitch] alias = 'macswitch' command = 'sudo ip link set dev wlp2s0 down && sudo macchanger -e wlp2s0 && sudo ip link set dev wlp2s0 up' description = 'Randomize MAC address' tags = [ 'scripts', 'system', 'net', ] [scripts.map] alias = 'map' command = 'sudo nmap -sn' description = 'Find IPs on local network' tags = ['net'] [scripts.neovim-build] alias = 'neovim-build' command = 'cd ~/src/neovim && git pull && make -j4 MAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS="-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local/bin"' description = 'Update & build neovim' tags = [ 'scripts', 'build', ] [scripts.onefetch] alias = 'onefetch' command = 'onefetch' description = 'Fetch GIT repo info' tags = ['tools'] [scripts.pixel] alias = 'pixel' command = 'rx' description = 'Tiny pixel art editor' tags = ['programs'] [scripts.rand] alias = 'rand' command = 'lethe wipe --scheme=random --blocksize=128k --verify=yes $DRIVE_TO_WIPE' description = 'Overwrite a drive with randomness' tags = [ 'tools', 'system', ] [scripts.rip] alias = 'rip' command = 'rip' description = 'Move file to trash' tags = [ 'tools', 'files', ] [scripts.ripgrep-all] alias = 'ripgrep-all' command = 'rga' description = 'use ripgrep (rg) to search within more types of files' tags = [ 'tools', 'files', ] [scripts.sniff] alias = 'sniff' command = 'sudo sniffglue -v' description = 'network packet sniffer' tags = [ 'tools', 'net', ] [scripts.stackoverflow] alias = 'stackoverflow' command = 'so' description = 'search stackoverflow from terminal' tags = ['tools'] [scripts.type] alias = 'type' command = 'ttyper' description = 'Terminal typing test' tags = ['programs'] [scripts.update] alias = 'update' command = 'sudo xbps-install -Su && sudo xbps-remove -yOo && rustup update' description = 'Update system' tags = [ 'scripts', 'system', ] [scripts.wiki] alias = 'wiki' command = 'wiki-tui' description = 'Terminal wikipedia client' tags = ['programs'] [scripts.xh] alias = 'xh' command = 'xhs' description = 'Easy HTTP requests tool' tags = [ 'tools', 'net', ] [scripts.zoxide] alias = 'zoxide' command = 'z' description = 'smarter cd command' tags = [ 'tools', 'files', ] [default]