version = '0.20.2' local xplr = xplr local home = os.getenv("HOME") package.path = home .. "/.config/xplr/plugins/?/init.lua;" .. home .. "/.config/xplr/plugins/?.lua;" .. package.path require("scp").setup{ mode = "selection_ops", -- or `xplr.config.modes.builtin.selection_ops` key = "S", scp_command = "scp -r", non_interactive = false, keep_selection = false, } require("ouch").setup() xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.P = { help = "preview", messages = { { BashExecSilently0 = [===[ FIFO_PATH="/home/erin/xplr.fifo" if [ -e "$FIFO_PATH" ]; then "$XPLR" -m StopFifo rm -f -- "$FIFO_PATH" else mkfifo "$FIFO_PATH" "$HOME/.local/bin/" "$FIFO_PATH" "$XPLR_FOCUS_PATH" & "$XPLR" -m 'StartFifo: %q' "$FIFO_PATH" fi ]===], }, }, } xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.z = { help = "zathura", messages = { { BashExecSilently0 = [===[ zathura $XPLR_FOCUS_PATH ]===], }, }, } -- Set it to `true` if you want to enable a safety feature that will save you -- from yourself when you type recklessly. -- -- Type: boolean xplr.config.general.enable_recover_mode = true = { meta = { icon = "" }, style = { fg = "Blue" } } = { meta = { icon = "🦀" } }